
7 line poem

you gave me a white, hard shell from the sea A salmon colored shirt that smells like you and stories of swimming across an ocean to save drowning dogs from imminent death though sometimes your mouth spews meanness and I run from you in a thunderstorm wishing you would be who you were when you forgot what you thought you knew i miss your mouth and the way you smell 

Chop Wood Carry Water

So yesterday morning I woke up late. I woke up late because I am human and I am a work in progress. And I was compelled to hurry and to hustle and I needed my daughter to do the same. But 7-year-olds - much like Mommys’   who accidentally ignore their alarm clocks- don’t really care too much for hustling at 8am when they are tired, when the sun can feel like it’s own kind of alarm before the coffee in your brain has had it’s chance to wake up your… everything. So I understand and still I need her to move. And at some point I need to tell her that we might miss her science camp picture this morning because I woke up later than I meant to and I am sorry. And because I guess she is very comfortable with me and maybe the universe knows I can handle it she signs, “It’s your fault. And when I get my certificate with the group picture I won’t be in the picture.” “Yes, that’s true”, I respond. “You might not be in that picture and I am sorry and do you think those are nice words to say t

The Warrior

So even if the HOT loneliness is there and for 1.6 seconds we sit with the restlessness  when yesterday we couldn't sit for even 1, THAT'S the journey of the Warrior.                         -Pema Chodron 
This was recently found - written during the summer of 2004 in Alaska And the sky is blue  With the clouds so white  Just a moment ago they were orange and gold  Beyond the road  The mountains climb  And the bears reside  And the moose have babies  The wolves in their dens of 15 or more  In their homes 4 ft.  high Look out over the forest so wide  To gather  The best vantage point  The air’s so quiet now  Most of us are in bed  Yet soon to awake to  Serve the hungry patrons.  Maybe everything we say and do is  Lost in translation  And the only real things  Are the glaciers and this mountain  And the white sheep eating grasses  Sometimes we ruin the peacefulness of it all  With our drunken banter  And far off cries  Because even in this place  The best of human nature  Is sometimes hidden 
And the universe said  Just wait - Wait. For. It. the things I have in store for you are manifesting  as  we  speak If you need to hold on to your scarcity Go ahead my dear But I've got you Like I have sun, moon, trees and stars In this moment and the next and the one after that Cause as your wide eyed child said, "Let's rock and roll" Outta despair into the light Might you Can you Finally be Ready to feel worthy?

Pema in the Morning....

Thinking about THIS - this morning...... Pema Chodron: “Meditation is nothing holy. Therefore there’s nothing that you think or feel that somehow gets put in the category of “sin.” There’s nothing that you can think or feel that gets put in the category of “bad.” There’s nothing that you can think or feel that gets put in the category of “wrong.” It’s all good juicy stuff—the manure of waking up, the manure of achieving enlightenment, the art of living in the present moment.”